South Florida Chapter |
Find a Professional Organizer or Productivity Consultant in the South Florida AreaNAPO members are organizing and productivity professionals who value education and professional development, and stay current on trends and advancements in the industry. All NAPO members must adhere to our Code of Ethics, which encourages fair and equitable practices, including working with clients and colleagues, handling client confidentiality, and how they assess fees and expenses. To find a member by name or other specific criteria, use the filters below. This Directory is intended solely for informational purposes to permit residential and business consumers to identify and contact a professional organizer or productivity specialist to obtain professional services. It may not be used for any other purpose, including to market products or services to NAPO Chapter members. Violation of this policy will result in denial of access to the Directory. |
10/11/2021Test News
4/7/2017Attend NAPO2017 virtually!
1/19/2025 » 1/25/2025
GOMonth 2025: Week 4 - Technology
NAPO WA: Seattle Coffee Chats